MISCELLANEOUS SHOTS — Living with Nature

Melbourne had a couple of torrential (rain) downpours yesterday and I got caught in both of them. I had to go to the other side of Melbourne’s city centre for an appointment so there was no choice about going outdoors. I just made the mistake of not catching a taxi there and back. I thought […]

via MISCELLANEOUS SHOTS — Living with Nature

7 tips for Moving house with kids

1. Organising a family meeting

2. A walk through the new house

3. Let them arrange their things

4. Reading up on pertinent material

5. It’s very important to keep calm and composed

6. Give the kids something to do…Continue Reading @ https://www.betterremovalistsmelbourne.com.au/7-tips-for-moving-house-with-kids/ 

11 Reasons to Hire Professional House Cleaners

Not being very fond of cleaning, I prefer to hire professional cleaners for the job. But there are some people who are hesitant in doing so. Reasons can be some financial issues (trust me, you would spend more on those cleaning products) or don’t trust the cleaning companies. But for me, you too deserve to have rest and see your home getting thoroughly cleaned, while you sip your coffee sitting on the couch! Here are a number of reasons for which you should prefer to hire professionals https://www.bondcleaninginmelbourne.com.au/reasons-to-hire-professional-house-cleaners


Tradies targeted in latest Melbourne crime spree

Melbourne tradies are calling for a crack down on the second-hand tool market, saying their utes and tools are easy targets for brazen thieves.

It follows the latest incident where a tradie was knocked out and his van and tools stolen overnight.

Electrician Frank Ascenzo was working at a school in Balaclava when he was attacked from behind about 4pm yesterday.

“I didn’t even know it was coming,” Frank told Neil Mitchell.

“I just found myself on the ground, I got up and saw my car driving away.”

Police found Frank’s van but it is a write off.

Frank’s boss Cody Whelan said pawn shops should refuse tools if there is a possibility they might be stolen goods.

“They took all the tools out of my van last year,” Cody said.

“It’s too easy for them to sell off tradies tools.”

Click PLAY below to hear the full details



What to Expect From a Mover Company in Melbourne

Moving is not only stressful but also exhausts you emotionally and physically. It is better to get a helping hand and more advisable to hire a moving company for the job. A reputed moving company will provide you with all the support and make your move a happy experience….Read More here https://www.betterremovalistsmelbourne.com.au/what-to-expect-from-a-mover-company-in-melbourne/

How To Prepare For An End Of Lease Cleaning In 5 Easy Steps

End of lease cleaning is not a simple task. When you have loads of work on hand like arranging for packing material, packing and moving, finding a new house, finalising all the papers etc etc, you have no time or energy left to cleaning. And without proper cleaning, you wont get your bond back. Here are a few easy tips for end of lease cleaning, read here https://www.bondcleaninginmelbourne.com.au/how-to-prepare-for-an-end-of-lease-cleaning-in-5-easy-steps/

6 Reasons to Hire a Professional End of Lease Cleaning Company

I have often had a debate with my friends, who were planning to make a move, over the topic “why should we hire professional End of Lease cleaning company”. I have many valid points like:

  1. To ensure that you get back your bond money
  2. To save your time, when you have so many other tasks to do
  3. Read More here https://www.bondcleaninginmelbourne.com.au/why-hire-end-of-lease-cleaning-company-in-melbourne

3 Ultimate Spring Cleaning Hacks

Thorough cleaning of a home is something that needs to be considered seriously during the spring season. The families who live in Melbourne engage in cleaning activities during this particular season to avoid asthmatic and allergic problems. All the members of a family take part in cleanliness process to ensure a safe and healthy environment of their house.

Apart from being a fun-loving activity, I get annoyed whenever I see dusty and muddy windows, carpets, and garden areas. I don’t want my family to suffer from any disease and thus I’ve trailed the following spring cleaning hacks, recommended here http://www.bondcleaninginmelbourne.com.au/end-of-lease-cleaning/

  1. Window Cleaning

We all know that cleaning a window is an essential part of a process. But, do you know the best time to wash them? No. Well, you don’t need to worry because I have an answer for this.

You can choose a cloudy day to wash the windows of your house. If it is too sunny, the cleaner will dry immediately and leave the streaks on it. So, you can pick a cloudy day or wash it in the evening to avoid such streaks and marks. Below the process of thorough window-cleaning:

  • Make a solution of white vinegar, sudsy ammonia and dishwashing solution along with hot water.
  • Pour it in a spray bottle and sprinkle the solution on the glasses and edges of all the windows to remove stains and spots. After that, wipe off them using a clean cloth or duster.
  1. Vacuuming Beneath the Furniture

Don’t forget to clean the floor beneath the sofa, couches and chairs. Most of us ignore these areas and keep cleaning the other parts of a house. If you want a thorough cleaning, you should vacuum the floors properly.

You can take a help to pull up the heavy furniture and kitchen appliances for floor vacuuming. If you are not comfortable with it, you can hire the Melbourne’s best cleaning company that can make your job a lot easier during springs.

  1. Cleaning Sliding Door Tracks

While cleaning the windows, carpets and glasses are imperative tasks; you can’t ignore to clean the sliding door tracks where the dust gathers in a bulk. Of course, it is difficult to clean such a blocked area, but still, you should try the best to get rid of it.

I use my old/unused toothbrush to scrub the affected areas between the tracks. You can also do the same. Just make sure the toothbrush is dry. After that, you can vacuum from the edges and clean it with a wet sponge.


No matter how you clean your house on a daily basis, maintaining the pure and germ-free atmosphere becomes essential during the spring season. The tips mentioned above will guide you throughout your spring cleaning process.

Top 5 Strategies for Managing Successful Small Businesses

The success of small-scale businesses depends on how they manage their entire in-house team, financial activities, and other operational tasks. To generate higher conversions and revenues, entrepreneurs need to keep evolving the certain pattern of running their business.

Despite having a dedicated and enthusiastic team of experts, high-end technologies and in-depth skills, most of the businesses fail just because of lack of management. It doesn’t matter how big or small a business is, it is imperative to be consistent, cooperative and companionable.

Being an entrepreneur, I can understand the importance of having result-driven management strategies. And that is the reason why I am going to share you some of the brilliant tips that will help you grow your sales effectively and efficiently.


  1. Focus on Short-term Goals

When you are planning to start up your small business, make sure you focus on achieving short-term goals. Since you’ve already estimated your budget and cost implications, it is essential to keep your organisational goals relevant to the reality.

Instead of thinking big, you should concentrate on generating revenues by setting up short to medium- term business objectives. You can set three to five years goal plan that can serve your business need to the utmost superiority.


  1. Cleverly Recruit your Team Members

If you want to take your business to the higher level, then you must recruit experienced, dedicated and potential team members who can contribute their efforts with the sole aim to grow your business across the globe.

So, make sure you recruit and hire the best candidate that has superior potential in their specific niche. By doing so, you will be able to focus on your production strategy with ease.

Tip: Instead of hiring a group of twenty people, you can recruit the best and versatile talents that can make the most out of your business goals.


  1. Manage your Financial Tasks

Managing financial transactions and records become essential when you are running a small scale business. It is important to keep your accounting status manageable and accessible for your future growth.

When it comes to my financial transactions and records, this firm https://www.agibookkeeping.com.au/, situated in Melbourne advised me to integrate the best cloud-based accounting management tool for keeping a close eye on payrolls, receipts, payments, outstanding debts, invoices, and a lot more in a breeze. The tool helped me a lot in managing my finances, and my existing customers.


  1. Track your Performance

If you want to succeed in your own field, you’ll need to track your performance on a constant basis. You can analyze your financial as well as production performance in terms of revenues, profits, expenses, work efficiency, and a lot more for generating successful results.


  1. Give Priority to your Customers

It doesn’t matter how well you are doing within your company, if you want to boost your sales, you will need to keep your customers satisfied and happy.

Listen to their ideas and understand what they are expecting from you. You can even interact with them via social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. This can help you manage your business goals with ease.



While running a business can be quite exciting, it can also be challenging to deal with different scenarios and financial management. Well, the above-mentioned tips will help your business to achieve targeted goals.