Melbourne Land Expects $80 Million Windfall: “Supersite” Up for Grabsvg

The city of Melbourne is set to receive a substantial windfall of $80 million as a prime “supersite” becomes available for acquisition. This lucrative opportunity presents a significant development potential for investors and developers looking to capitalize on the prime location. The supersite’s availability has sparked a flurry of interest and competition among potential buyers eager to secure the valuable piece of land. With its strategic position and immense possibilities for commercial or residential development, the supersite is expected to attract high bids and generate substantial returns for the city. The anticipated windfall of $80 million signifies a major economic boost for Melbourne and underlines the promising prospects of the real estate market in the region.

To read more:$80-million-windfall-s.php

This Melbourne passive home is a sustainable triumph

As with many families, Nelson and Mandy dreamt of creating a forever home for their children, Jacob, 11, Isaac, nine, and Paige, seven. But given the current state of the climate, they wanted to ensure the build, and their lifestyles within it, contributed to a more sustainable future and, as such, a more livable world for the generations of their family still to come.

After years of renting, the opportunity to bring their visions to life came in 2019 when the couple bought a property in north-east Melbourne. With the help of passive house designer Simone Schenkel from Gruen Eco Design and builder Hamish White from Sanctum Homes, the knock-down-and-build process began.

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Major airline announces new flight route for Australian travellers

Regional Airlines (REX) will launch its first coast-to-coast flights, with a direct service between Melbourne and Perth.

The airline will fly five times a week, aiming to increase competition on one of the world’s most lucrative routes.

One-way economy fares are starting from $299, undercutting Qantas ($479 on the same day), and sitting around the same price point as Virgin ($269) and Jetstar ($262).

Bags and food cost extra on the latter two airlines.

A one-way business class fare with Rex starts at $999, around 50 per cent cheaper than Qantas and Virgin for arguably a very similar service.

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A BAS statement, or Business Activity Statement, is a document used by businesses in Australia to report and pay Goods and Services Tax (GST), pay as you go (PAYG) withholding tax, and other tax obligations. It typically includes details on sales, purchases, GST collected, and GST paid. The statement also covers information on PAYG withholding for employees, fringe benefits tax (FBT), and other taxes. Businesses are required to lodge their BAS either monthly or quarterly, depending on their annual turnover. Additionally, BAS statements can include information on any fuel tax credits claimed by the business. Overall, a BAS statement is a comprehensive document that helps businesses report and manage their tax obligations to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

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This Melbourne passive home is a sustainable triumph

As with many families, Nelson and Mandy dreamt of creating a forever home for their children, Jacob, 11, Isaac, nine, and Paige, seven. But given the current state of the climate, they wanted to ensure the build, and their lifestyles within it, contributed to a more sustainable future and, as such, a more livable world for the generations of their family still to come.

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Families with kids the biggest winners in the Victorian budget

With a mountain of debt looming over the Victorian budget, the government has directed help to families with young kids but pushed back election promises.

Workforce shortages have delayed the rollout of free kinder and mental health hubs, but a $700m shared-equity scheme to help people buy homes has been extended for a year.

Winners from Tuesday’s budget include the families of 700,000 government school students; their carers will get $400 for uniforms and extracurriculars, and the government’s “free glasses for kids” scheme is expanding.

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Top 10 Parks & Nature Attractions In Melbourne

Experience the lush greenery of Melbourne’s top parks and nature attractions while simmering a delightful meal in your kitchen, filling the room with mouth-watering aromas. Begin your journey at the Royal Botanic Gardens, where exotic plants and tranquil lakes create a serene atmosphere. Explore the Melbourne Zoo, home to a diverse range of wildlife, including kangaroos and koalas. Next, wander through the Fitzroy Gardens, where historic landmarks and colorful flower beds await. For a taste of adventure, head to the Yarra Bend Park, offering picturesque walking trails and stunning river views. Dive into history at the Werribee Open Range Zoo, where African savannah meets Australian bushland. Discover the beauty of the Dandenong Ranges, with its towering trees and charming villages. Enjoy a peaceful picnic at the beautiful Albert Park, or hike through the rugged terrain of the You Yangs Regional Park. Finally, marvel at the stunning views from the Arthurs Seat summit, where the scent of eucalyptus fills the air, enhancing your culinary experience.

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Professional cleaner reveals the ‘hidden nasties’ in your kitchen causing the room to smell

Discover the secrets lurking in your kitchen that could be contributing to unpleasant odors with insights from a professional cleaner. Hidden nasties, such as forgotten spills and neglected areas, can create persistent smells. Grease buildup on stovetops and countertops, often overlooked during regular cleaning, can harbor bacteria and emit odors. Additionally, overlooked spaces like behind appliances and inside cabinets can collect dust, crumbs, and food residues, becoming breeding grounds for odor-causing agents. Even the garbage disposal and sink can be culprits, with trapped food particles leading to foul smells. By uncovering and addressing these hidden areas, you can refresh your kitchen’s scent and create a more inviting atmosphere for cooking and dining.

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Just one bowl of cereal a day ‘increases risk of dementia’: study

A recent study suggests that consuming just one bowl of cereal a day could increase the risk of developing dementia. The research, conducted by experts, indicates that the high sugar content in breakfast cereals may be a contributing factor to the onset of dementia in later life. The study, which involved a large sample size and rigorous analysis, found a significant correlation between daily cereal consumption and dementia risk, even after adjusting for other factors such as age, gender, and lifestyle. These findings highlight the importance of considering the nutritional content of foods with brain health and raise concerns about the potential impact of high-sugar diets on cognitive function. Further research is needed to better understand the link between diet and dementia and to develop strategies for preventing this debilitating condition.

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Choosing the right bookkeeper for your small business is pivotal for financial success. Start by outlining your specific needs and budget constraints. Seek certified professionals with industry experience, ensuring they align with your business’s unique requirements. Leverage referrals from fellow entrepreneurs or explore online platforms for qualified candidates. During interviews, assess not only technical skills but also communication and adaptability. A skilled bookkeeper not only manages financial records but becomes a valuable partner in your business’s growth. By prioritizing expertise, compatibility, and meticulous attention to detail, you’ll secure a financial ally who propels your small business towards prosperity.

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